Petrojam has released the fuel prices for April 26, 2012. E10-87 has been reduced by $2.0954 or $2.10, E10-90 has been reduced by $2.05 and diesel has been reduced by $0.28.

Below are this weeks prices from Petrojam;

E10-87 = $104.8474 ($106.9428 - April 19, 2012)

E10-90 = $106.5487 ($108.5987 - April 19, 2012)

Diesel = $104.6803 ($104.9603 - April 19, 2012)

Below are Autoinfoja's proposed maximum retail price for each fuel variant and like we say every week, if you are paying more than this, you are paying too much.

E10-87 = $115.3321

E10-90 = $117.2036

Diesel = $115.1483

There are talks asking for the removal of the SCT on fuel that should have been donating a sizable portion of the SCT collected at the pumps that should have gone to road maintenance and construction. The argument goes further to have the Ad Val. tax capped at a fixed. These moves are great for the final end consumer at the pumps.

However there is a flip side. If we remove the SCT then the government with no incoming money to maintain or construct roads. Capped Ad Val only works in the case of rising prices. If the price goes down then then you are stuck in a what if situation.

I will suggest that people buy more fuel efficient cars. The newer the car the better the technology. We will follow this up with a list of the most fuel efficient cars from the each new car brand in Jamaica and the most fuel models available.